Home, Sweet Home....that is where our precious peanut is now! We are rejoicing that Leah was discharged from the NICU at Albany Medical Center on August 3rd, after just under 5 weeks since birth. This is definitely an answer to prayer as we were originally told to expect a stay of 8-10 weeks. The last 2 weeks have been even more of a whirlwind as once things started happening, they happened all at once. We were continuing our daily visits to the NICU in Albany and the first couple days of this month it seemed that each day we came there was a new surprise. Within the span of 48 hours Leah's oxygen was discontinued, her nasal feeding tube was removed, and her supplemental heat was turned off. Much to our surprise, it was first suggested on Monday that Leah might go home on Tuesday. Partly because we were concerned that things were moving too fast, her discharge was delayed to last Wednesday (August 3rd). The first week at home has been very challenging because at first we really had to work to get her to drink all of her bottle as she would drink very slowly. Feedings have been "double work" as Leah has not yet been able to effectively be put to breast, so she is fed most of her feedings with a bottle. It is double work because not only does she have to be bottle fed every 3 hours, but Ralanda also has to pump milk every 3-4 hours. Looking on the bright side of things, this has allowed opportunity for "quality time" together for Mommy and Daddy as - in an effort to help where he can - Daddy has been getting up with Mommy for the 2am and sometimes 5am feedings where he feeds while Mommy pumps. This helps to save a little time, allowing a short nap before we have to start it all over again. It will definitely be easier as Leah gains strength and the ability to nurse, decreasing the time spent pumping.
All bundled up and ready to go home! |
We've been to the doctor twice in the last week for weight checks and we are glad to say we are growing well. Leah is now up to 5 1/2 lbs. in weight! She started at 4lb 4oz, got down to 3 lb 7 oz, but has gained 2 lbs!
Relaxin' on Mommy and Daddy's bed |
We are thankful every day for the blessing that God has given us in this precious new life. Even though we are a little weary, we are so thankful for Mommy's and Leah's health. Even as tired as we are, we are trying to enjoy this time as we realize that the children grow so fast and soon we will look back, longing for these days. Thank you Lord, for blessing us so abundantly!
Pretty in pink |
Thank you to all who have prayed and called to check up on how Mommy and Leah are doing. Please continue to pray that all will go well as Leah has a good deal of "catch-up" growing to do.